Opening an app, I don’t see the expected perimeter OR I don’t see the same view as my colleagues

You need to check your direct authorized perimeter, and indirect if you are aThird party. 

  1. Direct authorized perimeter : Open Company Settings and search for the contact.
  • Check in the first tab the Legal entities the user will be able to act on behalf of. 
    • A Company user admin can change them.
  • Check in the User role tab the approved user roles and their perimeter :
    • A pending approval user role gives no privilege.


The user role is given with perimeter attributes : ​

  • Asset class and market location for Issuer domain user roles​;
  • Asset class and Firms for Member domain user roles (and MIC for internal user roles)​.


2. ​Indirect authorized perimeter : Check for the given delegations (open Delegation section from the CompanyCard)​.

  • A delegation is valid for a user if they share at least one asset class and one legal entity​
  • Beware : Delegation enrich only the Thrist Party user, not the Issuer user​
  • In the Delegation section, you can see all delegations of the Group, not only the delegations of the Legal Entity