ETP Admission - Create a new project

To create a new listing project, click the “Create a new project” button on the “Projects” tab.

A project creation form will appear:

Choose the location, market, instrument type and issuer name, then enter the relevant contacts for the project. 

Click "Continue". A summary of your information will be displayed. You can either:

  • Go back and edit some information if needed
  • Save and close the request: it will appear as a "Draft" on the project list
  • Create the project: The project folder will be created, and the project will appear as "Ongoing"  in the project list

Once the project has been created, the "Assessment phase" begins. The assessment steps are different depending on whether the target market is one of the Euronext (legacy) markets, or ETF Plus (under Borsa Italiana regulation).

Milan ETF Plus Market

Project folder

Assessement phase


Execution phase


Euronext Markets other than Milan ETF Plus

Project folder

Assessement phase


Execution phase